

Let us know if you would like to know more about any of our workshops or programs and we will contact you as soon as possible!



Triple P – Positive Parenting Programs

Positive Parenting Programs are designed to help parents improve their parenting skills and build positive relationships with their children.

Because parents all have different needs, Triple P has many different ways to get positive parenting help. You choose what is best for you and your family. Below is a list of Triple P programs and our trained Early Learning Specialists who are available to provide support.  For a full list of Triple P programs please visit Triple P Courses for Parents of Children Birth-12 years

Triple P Fearless
( 140 Woodbridge Ave Unit E400, ON, L4L 4K9 )

Fridays from 9:00-11:00am

You’re divorced or separated. Your child is caught in the middle. You may have problems with your extended family, your new partner or your ex. Holidays and birthdays cause arguments. You may be concerned about your finances. And you’re worried about the impact this is all having on your child’s behaviour and emotions. If any of this sounds familiar, Family Transitions Triple P can help

Speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

Fear-Less Triple Parenting will introduce parents and caregivers to key anxiety-management strategies that support children with anxiety. Topics that will be covered include understanding how anxiety works, knowing how to help your child develop coping skills and to face feared situations, and successfully managing children’s anxious behaviours.

If your child is experiencing signs of anxiety, email to set up a consultation to see if this program is the right fit for you.

Or, speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

Being a parent should be easier than this! Perhaps you can’t take your daughter shopping because she throws a tantrum every time. Or maybe you have a child who makes bedtime a nightmare. Or a son who never seems to listen to anything you tell him to do.

If your child has a particular behaviour problem that is making family life more difficult than it should be, then Primary Care Triple P can help. Primary Care Triple P gives guidance that is tailored to help you with specific issues.

Speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

You have a child with an intellectual or physical disability, and life is incredibly tough. Your child may seem unwilling or unable to follow instructions or master new skills. Perhaps they have terrible tantrums or emotional meltdowns. Maybe they can’t make friends or play with their siblings.

As for you, stress is a constant. Holding down a job may be too difficult. You may feel isolated from your friends, your community – perhaps even from your partner or your other children. You possibly feel guilty and don’t know how to tackle your child’s problem behaviour. If the pressure of raising a child with a special need is straining your family life, Stepping Stones Triple P may help.

Speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

The Triple P Discussion Group Series includes parent discussion groups on commonly encountered problems such as disobedience, fighting and aggression, and managing situations such as shopping with children and bedtime. The discussion groups are designed to provide an overview of the positive parenting principles for any interested parent. Parents are actively involved throughout the 2-hour small group format discussions.

Speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

Triple P for Baby aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with the baby, by promoting sensitive and responsive care. Parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn strategies to develop a positive relationship with their baby, promote their baby’s development and help teach their baby new skills and behaviours.


Speak to one of our trained Early Learning Specialists

Lets Talk

Let’s Talk

Parenting is not always easy and it helps to know we are not alone. This program provides time for parents/caregivers to come together to network and share their parenting experience and challenges. Community partners may also join to offer their expertise. Settle in for an hour just for you!

The below programs are going to be held at the Aurora Main Centre
(40 Engelhard Dr Unit 1, Aurora, ON L4G6X6)
November 27th, 9:00 to 11:00 am
Early Referral Identification Kit (ERIK)

 – Learn more about this screening tool used to monitor your child’s development and serves as a referral to York Region Early Intervention Services.

December 4th, 9:00 to 11:00 am
Time-ins Instead of Time-outs

 -Discover the benefits of using time-ins for promoting emotional regulation and positive communication with children.

December 11th, 9:00 to 11:00 am
Types of Play 

– Join us as we discuss the different types of play your child is exploring and activity ideas that support your child’s interest and learning.

December 18th, 9:00 to 11:00 am
Phrases Every Child Needs to Hear

– Learn needed affirmations and phrases that nurtures child self-esteem and emotional well-being, helping them to feel valued and understood.

The below programs are going to be held at the Woodbridge Main Centre
(140 Woodbridge Ave, Unit E400, ON L4L 4K9)
December 2nd, 9:30 to 11:00 am
Let’s Talk Healthy Sleep Habits

 – Join us with sleep expert Alana Metallo as she discusses healthy sleep habits.

December 9th, 9:30 to 11:00 am
Let’s Talk Applying Parenting and Mindset

 – Come Join us with Kalpana as she discusses how to support the development of executive functions in young children.

December 16th, 9:30 to 11:00 am
Let’s Talk Toilet Learning

 – Join us with Daniela Ferrante and Dina Russo De Cotiis as they share tips and advice on how to transition your child from a diaper to a potty.


Journey to Kindergarten

This parenting program is designed to support families with children entering Kindergarten. The goal is to connect participants with community resources and services in York Region and to provide a community space in which to exchange ideas, information and parenting tools that will ultimately help to establish a solid foundation in all domains of learning and will contribute to positive experiences and outcomes for children.


Super Men, Super Kids

This is an activity based program for children and the male figures in their lives. There are 8 sessions, each designed to give men and children time together in a fun activity and for men to discuss relevant topics together.


Parents as Partners

Parents are experts with their own children. The goal of these parenting sessions is to empower parents and caregivers to connect and engage with their children. We have invited resource speakers who are experts in various fields to talk to families about different topics based on interests and needs.